Making ethical decisions; should not sacrifice morals in the name of “comedy”.
Where do we draw the line?
Garbage In and Garbage Out.
– Why do we watch violence on tv? Why do we glorify death and destruction while fearing both?
Racism seems to be created! Even manufactured, through endless racist rhetoric.
The media has seemed to favor a particular bias, which would in fact make it “The Enemy of The People”. Noticing the media lie when I was 14; watching 9/11 happen, some 20 years later, my question I have never seen anyone ask is. “Why were so many news stations filming?” Like they just woke up on a Tuesday and were like; “Hey! Let’s go film the trade towers.” Two students attending Harvard standing on the street also paint an interesting Question. Why did both angles of camera’s look away? No I do not want to drift into your fantasy that there were no planes, I saw them on live TV, CG was not that good. People should read President Trump’s Book. “The America We Deserve.” It really helps paint a picture of what is happening in modern-day America.
Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past. Opinions should be presented as such, not assumed as so.
– Do not rely just on Google
– We should get the Publics Opinion first hand, get a variety of opinions.
– Prepare for ethical dilemmas, you should work to gain tools, not answers.
– Use what others have written and experienced, as a tool.
– Answers come from within. But; answers must be coupled with experience, and reinforced with knowledge.
– Skills, analytical models, vocabulary, and insights of others who have faced these choices, in order to formulate your ethical decisions.
Ethics is an obtained value system, of individual principles.
– Ethics vs. Morals –
What is right?
Ask yourself Questions:
– How do I justify, or want to justify my actions?
– What principles do you agree you should have? How do these apply?
– What is moral? is it Religion?
– What defines Religion?
– What is Ethical? Can you use moral principles to define Ethical behaviors?
Only when the outcomes is favorable to both parties involved, then should moral and ethical be considered one and the same.
Example of moral: could be Ten Commandments, or even the 8 Fold Path.
Ethical is not raping and murdering, that is immoral.